• Anoop me Madhu

    I was done with first semesters at IOE WRC and these guys came up , we spent time around lakeside camera ma chai ANIL GT :D

  • Mamaghar ma Saanaima

    ma sheela dd, paartha vai, pema dd ra hajuraama :) :) i hope you already found me there :D

  • Instrumentation II ko tour jada bus ma

    Life ko passenger :D yestai journey ma ubbirahexu ....seat kuriraaxu :D

  • Mahakaal mandir ma Sandesh sanga

    Sayad 11 class ko internals paxi ho jaile newroad tira ghumtheu,sundharako momo tiptop ko samosa ani matra gahr farkine :D prolly tei time ko ho

  • Nautanwa ko rail

    Train varkharai aathyo,ani yo chai first encounter ho mero train sanga,babba katti thulo awaj hune raixa,ani chadiyo photo khichiyo travel garna ta testai ho, lastai phohor thyo.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Ghamkiri : Nayan Raj is more than a writer to me

म राजु संगै  रुपैडिया नाका हुँदै  लखनउ   पुगेँ, त्यहाँ बाट हामी संगै देल्ही पुगेउ र बम्बै । राजु जस्तो जिवन्त पात्र दिएको मा म नयन राज पाण्डे प्रति कृतज्ञ छु, बुटवल मा हुर्केको र भैरहवा तिर बाट सुनौली - नौतन्वा कैले कहिँ पुगेको हुदाँ मलाई राजु को यात्रामा आफुलाई कल्पना गर्न सजिको भयो । कत्ति पटक त म नै राजु बने । बोर्न भिटा को ठाउ मा होर्लिक्स , लक्स को ठाउमा इम्पेरिअल लेदर  र लिम्का को ठाउँ मा कोक थ्यो , र राजु को ठाउँमा म । 

मन्नापरेका कुरा हरु 

पद्मिनी र राजु को प्रेम , खै किन ? सायद  अरु कथा हरु त्यो प्रसङ्ग भन्दा बडी मन परेकाले हुन सक्छ । रुमानी प्रेम !! 

सारै चित्त बुझेको कुरा

घाम्किरी को अनालोजी , हो हामि सब्बै घाम्किरी हौँ जसका पुछार मा कसै न कसैले केहि न केहि ले बधिदिएको छ एउटा डोरी र हामि बन्धन मा बाँचिरहेछौं

मुकुल र स्नेहा को कथा :

दुवै मध्यम वर्गीय परिवार हुन्छन, मलड मा बस्ने यी जोडी हरु एक अर्का लै खुब मंपरौछां तर केटि को घरकाले केटा लाइ मंपरौदैनन र एक दिन केटि ले घरमा कोहि नभएको बेलामा विष सेवन गरि मर्दछे र प्रेम पत्र छोडेर जान्छे , मुकुल उसको प्रेम मा पागल हुन्छ र पछि  उसले पनि आत्महत्या गर्छ त्यो दिन थुप्रै पुतली हरु उड छन् उसका प्रेम पत्र संगै यो कथा लै नयन राज ले अल्ट्रा लाइट संग सिलसिला मिलाएर लेखेको सारै मन पर्यो 

उध्हब  रत्ना  को  कथा

इन्जिनीरिंग पड्दै गरेको उद्धब का पिता एउटा पत्रिका संयोजक हुन्छन , इन्दिरा गान्धी ले इमर्जेन्सी लगाएर सम्पूर्ण पावर आफ्नो हातमा लिएको अर्को दिन (१९७५-१९७७ १९ महिने) पत्रिका को फ्रन्ट पेज पुरै कालो भएर प्रिन्ट हुन्छ , तेस्मा तमाम संचारकर्मी संगै उद्धव का पिता पनि पक्राउ पर्छन, हिरासत मै उनको मृत्यु हुन्छ , उद्धव लै नि हिरासत मा उता मानसिक सररिक यातना संगै नस्बंदी गरिदिन्छन अनि उनकी श्रीमती उनलाई छोडेर जान्छे ...मौनताले बिस्तारै उद्धब लै खान थाल्छ, उद्धब कि ६० वर्षीय आमाले कोलोनी मा खाजा बेचेर रोजी रोटि चलौछिं

राजु  गाइड को कथा

 दाजु राजिब मुम्बई गाको ५ वर्ष पुग्दा सम्म नि खासै खबर आउदैन, घरमा आम बिरामी हुन्छिन, दिदि को घर बाट दहेज नदिए जलाएर मार्ने धम्कि आइरख्च , उसकी प्रेमिका लै नि बिहे नगरे त्यो केटि को बिहे अन्तै गर्दिन लागेका हुन्छन उसका आम बाउ ले , त्यो स्तिथि मा देल्ही मा भेटिएको थियो राजु  गाइड, जसको संदेश राजु ले मुम्बई पुर्याउने आश्वाशन दिएको हुन्छ , फर्किदा सम्म दिदि को घर बार ब चा उ न उसले २० हजार मा किड नि बेचिदिन्छ

कैलाश को कथा

कैलाश राजिब र जगत संग राजु मलाद को खोलि मा बस्य हुन्छ , आफ्नो प्रेमिका लै तेइ हात ले सिन्धुर लगाउने सपना देखेको कैलाश एक दुइ दिन बेपत्ता हुन्छ, पछि निरिह अवस्था मा अस्पतालमा एउटा हात काट्नुपर्ने र अर्को ले जीवन भर काम नगर्ने अवस्थामा भेटिन्छ

कुकुर लाइ कथा सुनाउदै गर्दा

सबै हावा हो थाहा थ्यो तेइ पनि मजा आइरा थ्यो , लेखक कति सम्म काल्पनिक हुन सक्छन सच्चि नयन राज बाट नै थाहा हुन्छ, त्यो बेला म एउटा बच्चा महसूस गरिरको थिए जसले चुपचाप कथा सुनिरहेको थ्यो , कथा एउटा भोको फुच्चे ले कुकुर संग दुखेसो गरेको !!!

New things that I got to know

Agnatho Frida ---swedish hit group of singer, ended in 1999

Richard Matthew stallman  founder of the free software movement and GNU software application which was used in linux os of the version GNU+linux

perfumed garden , 15th century
a book that teaches about sex positions and stories like kamasutra

Jaya Dev Krit-- Rati Manjari


It has clear instructions for sex

Queen Atossa

The name Atossa (or Atusa) means "skilled or learned". It can also mean "well trickling" or "well granting.
Atossa was born in 550 BC in Pasargadae. She was the eldest daughter of Cyrus the Great and Cassandane. Atossa married her brother Cambyses II, probably after the death of her father. When Darius I defeated the followers of a man claiming to be Bardiya (Smerdis), the younger brother of Cambyses II in 522 BC, he married Atossa.[4] Atossa played an important role in the Achaemenid royal family, as she bore Darius the Great the next Achaemenid king, Xerxes I

Malkauns is a raga in Indian classical music. It is one of the oldest ragas of Indian classical music

malakunsh rag

The name Malkaush is derived from the combination of Mal and Kaushik, which means he who wears serpents like garlands — the god Shiva. The raga is believed to have been created by goddess Parvati (the wife of Shiva) to calm Shiva when the lord Shiva was outraged and was not calming down after Tandav in the rage of Sati's sacrifice.' Chalo Tumko Lekar Chale' (film Jism, performed by Shreya Ghoshal), are a few Hindi film compositions based on Malkauns


king Bharthari
He was the ruler of Ujjain, later he abdicated the throne for his younger brother Vikramaditya. The same Vikramaditya we know from the cartoon, Vikram Aur Baital.

There lived a Brahman who after years of austerities was given the fruit of immortality from the celestial tree of Kalpavriksha. The Brahman presented the same to his monarch, Raja Bhartrhari, who in turn, passed it on to his love, the beautiful, Pinglah Rani or Ananga Sena (as per Maha Kavi Kalidas), Raja Bhartrhari's last and youngest wife. The queen, being in love with the Head police officer of the state, Mahipaala, presented the fruit to him, who further passed it on to his beloved, Lakha, one of the maids of honor. Eventually, Lakha being in love with the king presented the fruit back to the king. Having completed the circle, the fruit revealed the downsides of infidelity to the king, he summoned the queen and ordered her beheading, and ate the fruit himself. After that, he abdicated the throne, to his younger brother Vikramaditya, and became a religious mendicant.


pride and prejudice -- we are all fool in love

Battle of Bull Run, Suliman's love letter

First Battle of Bull Run, also called First Battle of Manassas or Manassas Junction, (July 21, 1861), in the American Civil War, the first of two engagements fought at a small stream named Bull Run, near Manassas in northern Virginia. (Civil War battles often had one name in the North, which was usually associated with a prominent nearby physical feature, and another in the South, which was usually derived from the town or city closest to the battlefield.) The strategic significance of the location lay in the fact that Manassas was an important railroad junction.
source [https://www.britannica.com/event/First-Battle-of-Bull-Run-1861]

July the 14th, 1861
Washington D.C.

My very dear Sarah:
The indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days—perhaps tomorrow. Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more.

Our movement may be one of a few days duration and full of pleasure—and it may be one of severe conflict and death to me. Not my will, but thine O God, be done. If it is necessary that I should fall on the battlefield for my country, I am ready. I have no misgivings about, or lack of confidence in, the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter. I know how strongly American Civilization now leans upon the triumph of the Government, and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and suffering of the Revolution. And I am willing—perfectly willing—to lay down all my joys in this life, to help maintain this Government, and to pay that debt.

But, my dear wife, when I know that with my own joys I lay down nearly all of yours, and replace them in this life with cares and sorrows—when, after having eaten for long years the bitter fruit of orphanage myself, I must offer it as their only sustenance to my dear little children—is it weak or dishonorable, while the banner of my purpose floats calmly and proudly in the breeze, that my unbounded love for you, my darling wife and children, should struggle in fierce, though useless, contest with my love of country.

Sarah, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me to you with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break; and yet my love of Country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield.


Saha Jahan had incestuous relations with Jahanara

Mumtaz Mahal gave Shah Jahan 13 lucky children and died giving birth to 14th baby in Burhanpur, a thousand kilometer away from Agra. Meanwhile Shah Jahan married 6-7 more women after her death and built a harem (brothel) of 5000-plus sex-slaves. He continued his marriage spree and harem-enhancements even after her death. So much for the epic love story.
[source: http://agniveer.com/shah-jahan-bastard-slept-daughter/]

Also, marriage with non-Muslims is illegal. Until a woman converts to Islam, she has a status of sex-slave. And you can keep unlimited sex-slaves as per Quran.In summary, in all cases, you can keep unlimited wives or sex-slaves. If she has not yet converted to Islam, there are no restrictions at all.
If she converts, you can still enjoy unlimited wives and break relationship any time so far you both do not live in the same home of husband. Because in this case it is a temporary marriage of Misyar where limitation of 4 wives does not apply.
So these Mughals (in fact all Muslim Sultans) would force Hindus to marry their daughters. They will offer to give her a separate special palace and other amenities. The trick was to ensure that she has a separate place so that no one calls them un-Islamic. And foolish Hindu traitors would think that the daughters will get special favors in return for selling their chastity to these perverts.
[source http://agniveer.com/jodha-akbar-rape-daughter-name-religion-dirtiest-picture/ ]

few words about the DNA

Today, autosomal tests are the most common. They can be administered to both men and women, and trace back through the lineage of both sexes.
The Y-DNA test can only be administered to men, and traces DNA back through the patrilineal ancestry (basically from father to grandfather to great grandfather).
The mtDNA is matrilineal and lets you trace your ancestry back through your mother, her mother, and her mother going back.
Autosomal tests can get you quality genetic information going back about four or five generations. Because the Y-DNA and mtDNA tests are more focused on one side of the line, you can get information going back farther, but with less data about family structure.
Which test you take depends entirely on what you're looking for. Don't expect perfect accuracy. They can give you indications, but taking a DNA test won't magically produce a history book of your family's background.

Sankhar Lamichhane

Chinuwa Achebe [Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic] read--things fall apart 

दुखले  तिम्रो  ढोका  ढक्ढकाउदा  बस्ने  ठाउँ  छैन  भनेर  फिर्ता  पठाऊन   खोजेउ  भने  उसले  भन्नेछ  चिन्ता  नगर  मनुवा  मैले  आफ्नै  कुर्शी  पनि  संगै  बोकेर  आएको  छु 

Antalia --

Antilia is one of the most expensive residential properties in the world (2 arab dollars). The 4,00,000 sq. ft. the building is located on Altamount Road in South Mumbai t is a 27-story building but since some ceilings are double-height, it's closer to the size of a 40-story building as it is 570 feet high. The mansion has 3 helipads on the roof.

Sir Creek is a 96 km (60 mi) tidal estuary on the border of India and Pakistan. The creek, which opens up into the Arabian Sea, divides the Gujarat state of India from the Sindh province of Pakistan. 
This region belonging to India is a part of the Indus River Delta most of which lies in Sindh, Pakistan. The creek itself is located in uninhabited marshlands of the Indus Delta just to the West of the Great Rann of Kutch.  During the winter season, the area is home to flamingoes and other migratory birds.


Dhrupad gauunu

Chitraa nakshatra ma janmeka le rudrakshya ma wishes Ruchi hunu


Saturday, June 29, 2019


Radha is a fictional novel written by Krishna Dharabasi, portraying the mythical characters of Dwapara Yuga, Radha, and Krishna.
Krishna is worshipped as one of the 10 avatars of Lord Bishnu, but here in the novel, the writer has tried to portray them as humans with higher abilities.

the story starts with, manuscripts left out by Radha while she was at the end of her journey. After Krishna kills Kansha he doesn't return back to bajra. Due to her own ego, Radha herself couldn't visit Krishna in Mathura. Krishna had a handful of jobs as a king. Sushila, one of the closest friends of Radha and Krishna loses her life while fighting for Krishna.

Krishna killed Narkasura, who had 16,100 wives in his prison. Soon after emancipating them, he marries all of them at once. By then he already had married, Rukmini and 7 other wives. so altogether he had 16,108 wives. A man cannot please so many wives, even staying one night with one wife would cause her to wait for 44 years for the next visit, horrible isn't.

आफुले आफुलाई म को थिए होला भन्ने प्रश्न गर्न नपाउदै मर्दो रहेछ मान्छे

As a child when Krishna called all his friends who were girls in the Bhandir forest, he tells Radha that, we should rise from physical and material love to the form of spiritual love. So the question is if he wasn't interested in having sex why did he marry so many women? He explains to Radha that he found different features of her in different wives.

I found the book awfully long, though the plot and some of the stories are way awesome. Dharabasi mostly tries to impart women empowerment in his novels. As for examples are, Jhola and Tundal.

Radha doesn't like the idea of Krishna marrying so many women and Pandava sharing single Draupadi. Karmanasha ( daughter of Yasoda and Nanda ray who was exchanged with Krishna ) remorses her marriage with rishi Durbasa. All the women in the novel are unhappy and they argue that they should have the freedom of choosing their groom.

Out of all the miseries, Radha sets her journey to leave behind all the worldly pleasures and find the meaning of life, she leaves her old sick mother Kalawati. Actually kalawati herself lets her go. She finds out that the women were treated as lower humans and weren't allowed to make decisions.

Meanwhile, Krishna had built Dwarika, a great city where for Radha he built a huge palace called a Radha Bhawan.

Throughout the novel, there are no traces of godly powers. And Radha is against worshipping idols.
The story ends with the war of Kurukshetra and the narrator actually turns out to be Aswatthama.

The novel contradicts with actual myth Mahabharata. Readers will for sure take a moment and question themselves if we were told the truth. Dharawasi argues that the stories we have been told are just biased, one side of stories, not the whole story indeed.

Radha, in her journey, visits Muktinath, and Biratnagar and that's when she wrote the manuscripts.

Id rate this novel 7/10. I know it deserves more but few things are repetitive and I am a huge fan of minimalism.


Tuesday, June 25, 2019

आज २२ वर्षको हुनेथ्यो

एउटा दौड हामी दुइ
हाम्रा चार खुट्टा, अनि वायुपंख
व्यग्र मुटु, त्यो तिब्र धड्कन

एउटा बसन्त
गाइ भैंसी संगै
त्यही   घर छेउको जंगल
उ र म

आज खानेकुरा ल्याउने उसको पालो थ्यो
तर भुलेछ उसले
हामीले ब्लाडर फुटेको
मिस्टर योड बल्ल खेल्थ्यौ
उसले शट हान्यो मैले लिएर आए
मैले शट हाने उ खोज्न गयो

उ टाढा टाढा नफाल न भन्ने  गुनासो गर्दै थ्यो
मलाई गर्व थ्यो टाढा फाल्न सकेको मा
तर उसले अबेर गर्यो
उ आएन
अवाज आयो
भयानक आवाज

उसको आवाज लाइ निल्न सक्ने ठुलो आवाज
मेरो चेतना लाइ निल्न सक्ने ठुलो आवाज
मेरो चेतना त एक्कैछिन मा फर्कियो
जसले भन्यो
ला बम पड्कियो

तर उसको आवाज भने सदा का लागि निलिदियो
बम को आवाज ले
उ मर्यो त्यो बिस्फोट संगै

आज २२ वर्षको हुनेथ्यो उ
यदि बाँचेको भए

यदि मैले बल अन्तै फलेको भए
यदि मैले बल नै नल्याएको भए
यदि मैले भैसी चराउन नपरेको भए
यदि हाम्रा बा आमालाई भैसी पाल्न नपरेको भए
यदि देश मा जन युद्ध नभएको भए

क्रान्ति को रातो रंग लाइ चाहिने रातोपन
उसको रातो रगत को आहाल ले पुर्यायो होला कि नाइँ ?


Sunday, June 16, 2019

How to win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

I found the book as one of the best self-help and motivational books I have ever read. Carnegie guides you to deal with people, be it in business, in school, at home anywhere with anyone. We don't have to win all the arguments and when people get angry, most of the times its because they need attention, so just by not getting angry and giving the person what he is seeking could do a lot better.
A man convinced against his will Is of the same opinion still
Men must be taught as if you taught them not And things unknown proposed as things forgot

If we want to make friends let's put ourselves out to do things for other people-things that require time energy selflessness and thoughtfulness :)

I judge people by their own principles not by my own ------Martin Luther king
By fighting you never get enoughBut by yielding you get more than you expected
a drop of honey catches more flies than a gallon of gall

he who treads softly goes far ----chinese proverb
in every work of a genius we recognise our own rejected thoughts they come back to use with a certain alienated majesty --Ralph Waldo Emerson
Dale Carnegie has given hundreds of motivational and practical examples in the book that can help us to change our fundamental habits. Of course its harder to apply than just reading the book but with these techniques certainly you can excel :) happy reading its a must read book id rate it


Principles in Nutshell

Fundamental techniques of handling people

Principle 1
Don't criticise, condemn or complain.

Principle 2
Give honest and sincere appreciation.

Principle 3
Arouse in the other person an eager want.

Six ways to make people like you

Principle 1
Become genuinely interested in other people.

Principle 2

Principle 3

Remember that a person's name is to that person the sweetest and the most important sound in any language.

Principle 4
Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves.

Principle 5
Talk in terms of the other persons interests

Principle 6
Make the other person feel important-and do it sincerely

Win people to your way of thinking

Principle 1
The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.

Principle 2
Show respect for the other person's opinions.
Never say "You're wrong

Principle 3
If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically

Principle 4
Begin in a friendly way

Principle 5
Get the other person saying "yes, yes immediately

Principle 6
Let the other person a great deal of the talking

Principle 7
Let the other person feel that the idea in his or her

Principle 8
Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view

Principle 9
By sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires

Principle 10
Appeal to the nobler motives.

Principle 11
Dramatize your ideas.

Principle 12
Throw down a challenge

Be a leaderA leader's job often includes changing your people'sattitudes and behaviour.

Principle 1
Begin with praise and honest appreciation.

Principle 2
Call attention to people's mistakes indirectly

Principle 3
Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person

Principle 4
Ask questions instead of giving direct orders

Principle 5
Let the other person save face.

Principle 6
Praise the slightest improvement and praise every
improvement. Be "hearty in your approbation and have lavish in your praise

Principle 7
Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to.

Principle 8
Use encouragement. Make the fault seem easy to correct

Principle 9
Make the other person happy about doing the thing you suggest 

Friday, June 14, 2019

अन्तर्मनको यात्रा

मर्ने मान्छे ले कहिल्ल्यै झुटो बोल्दैन , जीवन को उत्तरार्ध मा मृत्यु लाइ नजिकै बाट देख्दा देख्दै लेखिएको यो उपन्यास शैली को आत्मालाप बाट धेरै कुरा सिके मैले , घिमिरे लै पैले नचिनेको र आत्मालाप मा बतैयेका थुप्रै पात्र लाइ नचिनेको हुदा मलाई कता कता झिजो लागिरको थ्यो तर १२ खण्ड तिर जब किमो गर्दा को अनुभव हरु सुनौना थाले मेरो शरीर मा काँडा उम्रन थाले ...

.पुस्तक बाट एकदमै मनपरेका लाइन हरु एस प्रकार छन् 

रोबोट फ्रोस्त को कविता

जंगलको गोरेटो मा बाटो छुट्टियो र मैले बेचलती को बाटो रोजेंसबै फरक तेसैले गरेको हो 
मुगल राजा औरंग्जेब जसले संगीत का सबै वाध्य वाधन जमिन मुनि गाडेका थिए .....तेइ पनि संगीत मरेन

अवसरले कसैलाई खोज्दैन, अवसरलाई आफैले खोज्नुपर्छ 

अमंत्रमक्षरं नास्ति नास्ति मूलमनौषधम्‌ ।अयोग्यः पुरुषो नास्ति योजकस्तत्र दुर्लभः॥ 

पतंजली ले योग लै सुत्रबद्ध गरे यम नियम आसन प्राणायाम प्रत्याहार धारणा ध्यान र समाधि 
यम का पांच उप अंग एस प्रकार छन् अहिम्षा सत्य अस्तेय ब्रम्हाचार्य अपरिग्रह (असंग्रह) 
तेइ एउटा यम को अभ्यास गर्ने मान्छे त महात्मा गान्धी हुन्छ भने अस्टाङ्ग योग को अभ्यास गर्ने मान्छे कस्तो होला ?

सबैकाे जन्मदै दुई तफी टिकट बनेर अाकाे हुन्छ फकने मिती मात्रै गाेप्य 
मान्छे जति मृख भयाे अाफृलाई त्यति बुद्धिमानी ठान्छअज्ञानीलाई अाफ्नाे ज्ञान थाहा हुन्छ ज्ञानीलाई अाफ्नाे अज्ञान

कश्यप गोत्र को महिमा :D

पृथ्वीनारायण शाहले भारदवा्ज गाेत्र त्यागी कश्यप गाेत्र लिएका थिए--सन्दिपानी व्यासले कृष्णलाई 64 दिनमा ६४ कलामा पारगंत गराएका

प्रत्येक रात निदाउदाँ म मर्छु र प्रत्येक बिहान ब्युझदाँ म जन्मन्छु 
                                                                                            -महात्मा गान्धी

Check your mind with your own mind, Osho's philosophy, and also 
ना भोगो ना भागो सिर्फ जागो
पुत  सपुत  तो  धन  क्यून  सांचे
पुत कपुत्  तो  धन  क्यून   सांचे

जो  मानिस  सबैको  मित्र  हो  उ  कसैको  पनि  मित्र  होइन  

my rating for the book 7/10 

Thursday, June 13, 2019

सेतो धर्ति

२०६८ सालको मदन पुरस्कार विजेता उपन्यास सेतो धर्ति साहित्यकार अमर न्यौपाने को कृति हो । तत्कालिन समाज मा ९ वर्ष मा विधवा भएकी ताराकुमारि ले गर्नुपरेका संघर्ष हरुलाई कलात्मक शैलीमा उपन्यासमा उतारिएको छ ।

तेती बेला माहुर बगाएर मात्रै खोला तर्ने परम्परा रहेछ ।  छोरी पढे भने बोक्सी हुन्छन भन्ने सोंच ले समाज व्याप्त थियो । घरको अत्यास लगेर फर्किएकि तारा लै तेही बाटो एकदम छोटो लाग्छ , येसरी   फर्कदा उही बाटो कैले लामो कैले छोटो  लग्नु ले हामि खुसि छौ या दुखि भन्ने कुरा प्रस्ट हुन्छ । 

श्रीमान मर्दा भन्दा आफ्नो श्रीन्गार खोसिदा को विद्रोह बाट बाल मनोविज्ञान लाइ अध्भुत रुपमा दर्शा इएको छ ।जस्तो खायो तेस्तै भ इन छ भन्दा विपरित धारणा ।।।।कुकुर को दुध खाएर पनि मान्छे जस्तो हुने अपवाध को आधार लिइएको छ ।

I'd rate it 9/10 , its a must-read book 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


मान्छे आफ्नो आँखाले होइन मनले संसार देख्छ , कठै बरा आँखा त लाचार क्यामेरा झैँ रहेछ मन भने क्यामेरा पर्सन ले जता  फर्कायो जे देखायो जति देखायो तेती मात्र हेर्न सक्ने 

सबै बरलिनेहरु उदेश्य विहिन हुदैनन् विशेस गरि ती जो चलन्च्लाती को भन्दा वेग्लौ सत्यको खोजि मा हुन्छन 

हामीले एस्तो समाज को निर्माण गरेका छौ जहाँ इमान दारी र मुर्खता को एउटै परिभाषा लाग्दछ 

सौ चुहे खाके बिल्ली हज को चलि 

http://www.aanepal.org --- alcoholic anonymous nepal

आम नेपाली पत्रकार झैँ म पढ्थे थोरै लेख्थे धेरै, म जान्दथे थोरै बोल्थे धेरै 

जीवन मा कति पढियो  भन्दा पनि कति सहि पढियो अर्थपूर्ण हुन्छ  । 

मान्छे लाइ आफ्नो प्रशंशा मा छिटो र निन्दा मा अबेर बिश्वास लाग्छ 

प्रतिवावान त्यो हो जसको लक्षय सम्म अरु कोहि पुग्न सक्दैनन् ।  जिनियस त्यो हो जसको लक्श्य अरुले देख्न पनि सक्दैनन् 

भावना थामी २०६९ मुखभरी रौँ भएकी फुच्ची जसको तस्बिर कान्तिपुर दैनिक को फ्रोंत पेज भरि एको  थ्यो

ओशो ---- जिस चिज से मुक्त होना हे उस चिज को जान्लेना जरूरी होता हे 

गलत प्रश्न ले सहि उत्तर पाउदैन

स्वान्तसुखाय  :

धुलो त आफ्नो मुख मा जमेको थ्यो , ऐना पुछ्दै जीवन बिताए 

राम्रा कुरा सिक्नु नराम्रा कुरा बाट  टाढै  बस्नु

योग माया

२०७५ सालको मदन पुरस्कार विजेता एस पुस्तक मा साहित्यकार निलम कार्की निहारिका ले प्रथम नेपाली महिला नेत्री तथा धार्मिक अभियन्ता योगमाया न्यौपाने को संघर्ष लाइ दर्शैयेकी छन्
१९७९ मा श्री ३ ले सति प्रथ उन्मुलन ग
र्दा अरुण नदि नजिकै को गाउँमा भक्तिनी मायाको पात्र बाट आफु सक्दो भएको प्रयाश र हर्ष उल्लाश लाइ उपन्यास मा चित्रण गरिएको छ । साथै उनले बाल विवाह अन्त्य गर्न र विधवा विवाह गर्ने नियम ल्याउन गरेको तत्परता लै पनि देखिएको छ ।

सारै दुखको कुरा एस देशको इतिहास मा येस्तै महत्व पूर्ण कुराहरु पोखरा ले सेती लुकाए झैँ लुकाइएको छ 

हामी  आइमाई मान्छे आफ्ना डोली भित्रिएको घर बाट बिदा नपाई निस्किने भनेको कात्रोमा बोकिदा मात्र हो नत्र जे पर्दा पनि सहेरै बस्नुपर्छ

हाम्रो समाज ले छोरीलाई सधै अर्घेलो नै देख्छ 

  • पृथ्वी नारायण शाह ले आमालाई सति जान रोके तर उनि मर्दा रानिहरुलाई रोक्ने कोहि भएन, हुन त तिनी खुसि ले नै गए होलान |
  • सति प्रथा रोक्न भनि बाबा गुरु षडानन्द ले दिन्ग्ला मा मलामी हरु संग धरी लड्थे |
  • कमारी ले जन्माएको सन्तान समेत मालिक को हुने भएकाले कमारी को दाम कमारो को भन्दा ज्यादा हुन्थ्यो |
  • पछि ब्राह्मण लै चै दास बनौन नपाउने भयो रे|

Its a bulky book with like 500 pages, to the later pages I found the book less interesting so I left at 400 pages or something, It's good if you're interested in Nepali history or if your major is in the subject relatable to it....but 500 pages is huge...id rate it 6/10, yeah I am conscious that its a madan purakskar winner


रक्त कुण्ड

रक्त कुण्ड पढेर थाहा  भएका कुर हरु   

1) ठमेल मा पहिले ठुलो झाडी थ्यो रे
2) खुसियाली जनौना २१ वा ३१ तोप को सलामी दीइन्थ्यो
3) पहिले नेपाल सरकार थियो -२००७ मा श्री ५ को सरकार भयो र अहिले पुन नेपाल सरकार भएको छ
4) जुङ्ग बहादुर राना का छोरा
5) जगत जुङ्ग -----> भैरे भनेर बोलाइन्थ्यो
6) वीर समशेरलाइ  ----> कैले bhanera (कपाल कैलो हुनाले )
7) जंग बहादुर ले जिस्कौदै भन्थे भैरे को टाउको कैले ले खान्छ  र हुन पनि तेस्तै भयो
8) इन्द्र राज्य लक्ष्मी को मृत्यु प्रेगनेन्सी कम्प्भलिकेटेड भएर भनिन्छ तर खासमा उनले राडा विरोधी अभियान को 9) कुरा फुस्कौने आसंका ले दरबार भित्रै बाट चलखेल भएर स्लो पोइजन दिइएको हुन सक्छ
10) राजा महेन्द्र ले इन्द्र कि बहिनि रत्न लै विवाह नगरेको भए दर्बार तिन टुक्रा हुन सक्थ्यो
11) रत्न राज्य लक्ष्मी परिवार नियोजन गर्ने नेपाल कि प्रथम महिला हुन्
12) महेन्द्रले रत्न लाइ नागार्जुन दरबार मा भित्र्याएका थिए
13) दरबार मा पार्टी हुदा चुरोट नखाने ले नि कम से कम चुरोट समात्नै पर्थ्यो

यौन का मामिला मा राजा त्रिभुवन कम्जोर थिए , राजकाज छाडी रति राग मा भुलोस भनि श्री ३ चन्द्र शमशेर ले राम्री राम्री केटि हरु दरबार पठाउथे , उनका चार भित्रिया महारानी भएको आसंका पनि गरिन्छ र रक्सि धेरै खाएर मुटु रोग बाट उनको देहान्त भएको थियो, उनको कस्केट हनुमानढोका स्थित दरबार मा सुरक्षित छ

महेन्द्र ले होलि मा नाटक गर्ने बिछटै राम्री कतिको यौन शोषण गरेको प्रसङ्ग मा बि. पी ले भनेका थिए ,"महिलाका लागि रुप अभिसाप"

रत्न पोखरा मन्दिर मा जादा, बिपी संग महेन्द्र ले आफु एक्लोपन मा हुर्किएका ले खराब बानि हरु भएको गुनासो गरेका थिए

आइतबारे रानी भनेर पृथ्वी वीर बिक्रम (त्रिभुवन का पिता ) कि भित्रिया रानी लै चिनिन्थ्यो जो संग उनि सधै आइतबार आइतबार दर्शन गर्न निस्किन्थे

पुरुष लै जति नै यौन स्वतन्त्रता  थियो महिला लाइ उति  नै कठोर,  दरबार भित्रनै लिङ्ग  विभेद  थ्यो

रत्न सरकार  ले सन्तान  रख्नुभायेना  , इन्द्र  सरकार का सन्तान  लाइ  मात्री     प्रेम प्रधान गरिबक्स्यो, ज्ञानेन्द्र सरकार लाई  सबैभन्दा बढि  माया गरिबक्संथ्यो

ज्ञानेन्द्र सरकारले विरेन्द्र सरकार लै केटा केटि अवस्था देखि नै हेपी बक्संथ्यो 

रबिन्द्र  शाह र उनकी आम लाइ रत्न दरबार आएको एक महिना मै  रविभवन मा बस्ने प्रबन्ध मिलाइयो , रत्न ले रबिन्द्र लाइ  रुचौदैन थीइन   यस  माने  मा इन्द्र  रत्न भन्दा  पनि उदार  थिइन 

नारायण हिटी  चौतारिया फत्तेजंग को दरबार हो , कोतपर्व मा उनि मारिए पछि रडो दिप ले आफ्नो बनायो र वीर समशेर को पालोमा हनुमान ढोका साघुरो भएर दरबार नारायणहिटी मा सारियो

महेन्द्र सरकार धनका लागि मरिहत्ते गर्थे उनले ३१ करोड रुपैया मा हनुमान ढोका बेचेर राज्यकोष बाट पैसा लिएका थिए

महेन्द्र र बिपी दुवै पढेलेखेका राजनीतिज्ञ तथा साहित्यकार भएकाले दुवै एकदम नै मिल्थे

तर २०१७ सालमा राजाले बिपी लै जेल हालेर राज्यसत्ता हात मा लिए , रत्न ले बिपी लै मनपराए पनि उनका भै गिरिजा लाइ भने मन परौदैनाथीइन  उनलाई पिलन्धरे बाहुन भन्ने गर्थिन

बिरेन्द्र सरकारको मन पर्ने रक्सि  भ्याट ६९ थियो

रत्न ले विरेन्द्र , ज्ञानेन्द्र लाइ चन्द्र खलक मा विहे गर्न रोक लगाएकी थि इन , गर्ने भए जुद्ध खलक मै गर भन्ने आदेश थ्यो ( आफु स्वयेम जुद्ध समशेर कि छोरी थि ईन ) । ज्ञानेन्द्र भने खुसि थिएनन्, उनले चन्द्र समशेर कि नातिनी लै प्रेम गर्दथे । अन्त्यमा उनको विवाह रत्न कि ठुलोबाबा अग्नि समशेर कि नातिनी  संग भय०ओ
विरेन्द्र ऐश्वर्य
ज्ञानेन्द्र कोमल
धिरेन्द्र प्रेक्षा

विवाह पूर्व नै फुपू चेला- मामा चेली होइ बक्शंथ्यो

विरेन्द्र ऐस्वार्य ले गरिमा राणा एस एल सी बोर्ड फस्ट २०५१ लाइ बुहारी बना उन चाहन्थे
दिपेन्द्र ले देवयानी राणा , पशुपति समशेर कि छोरी लै मनपराउथे
रत्न राज्य लै चाही दिपेन्द्र ले दुप्रिया शाह संग बिहे गरे हुन्थ्यो भन्ने थियो

५८ मंगसिर का लागि विवाह तय भएको थियो , ज्योतिष ले ३० नपुगी विवाह गर्न उचित नहुने भनेका थिए
२०२८/३/१३ का दिन दिपेन्द्र को जन्म भएको थियो २०५८/३/१३ मा उनि ३० पुग्थे, तर मंगसिर अगि कुनै लगन थिएन तेस साल, जेठ मा जेठो छोराको विवाह गर्न नहुने विश्वास थ्यो

२०६२ साल  श्रावन १० मा महेन्द्र पोलिस  क्लब मा जेल्परेका कनक मणि दीक्षित , पल्पसा क्याफे पढिरहेका थिए, कृष्ण अविरल ले उनीसंगको संवाद मा आफ्नो अल्प ज्ञान महसुस गरे रे अनि विभिन्न खोज द्वारा यो पुस्तक लेख्न जोस जागर ल्याए



Friday, May 3, 2019


हरि बहादुर नेपाली समाजको त्यो पात्र हो जसले आफ्नो चतुर्याईको दुरुपयोग गर्दै समाज लाई नै दुख दिइरहेको छ ।
उस्को चतुर्याँई देखेर, खित्का छाडेर हास्न मन लाग्छ तर त्यही
बेला पिडित व्यक्ति हरू प्रति समवेदना पनि आउछ ।

उसले गरेका कामहरु ठिक हुदैँ होइनन् तर उसका पनि विवशता हरू छन् । एउटा टुहुरो अवहेलित पात्र हो हरीबहादुर जसले जिउनका लागि सघर्ष गरीरहेको थियो तर उसको बाटो सही थिएन ।

हरबिहादूर स्वार्थि निर्दयी पात्र पनि होेइन । उसले हजूरआमा कमलीलाइ र श्रिमति अलैँचि लाई औधि नै माया गर्छ । हरबिहादुरलार्ए ठ्याक्कै सुहााउने पात्र छ अलैचिँको, उस्तै चतुर र फटाह खालको ।

वयोवृद्दा पशुपति बाजे जसका सबै छोरा बिदेश थिए, बिहे गरी बस्ने रहर पालेका थिए । लाटि रुक्मिणी उनलाइ प्रेम गर्थी तर उनी भने अरु तरुनी ताकेर बसेको थियो । चतुर्याँइृ पुर्वक हरीबहादुरले ति दुइृको बिवाह गरिदिन्छ । पश्पति बाज् सुरुमा त खुशी हुदैँनन् तर पछि भने उनलाई बिहे शुभ नै हुन्छ । तर त्यै शिल्शिला मा पनि हरीबहादुरले थुप्रै सुन लुट्छ ।

द्वन्दका अवयवहरु निकै सुन्दर शैलीमा जोडिएको छ, हरीबहादुरले छोरो गुमाउछ अनि रुकमिणिले सिन्दुर । कहाली लाग्दो दृश्यको चित्रण भएको छ गाउँमा जब आर्मी र माओवादिको भिडन्त हुन्छ ।

हरीबहादुरसगँ अलैचीँको उपचार गर्न पैशा हुँदैन । काठमाडौँ जाँदा उ आफै ठगिन्छ, अनि उसलाई विगतमा गरेका कुकर्महरु एक एक गरी स्मरण हून्छ । अन्तिममा उसले केही शिप नलागेर माग्न बस्छ तर त्यतीले खाना खाने जोहे गर्न पनि मुस्किल ह्ुन्छ । जेलमा सगैँ बसेको शेरबहादुर उर्फ भालु मन्त्री हुन्छ तर उ बाट पनि केही सहयोग आउदैँन । अन्त्यमा अलैँचि मर्छै तर एसगँ लाश जलाउने पैशा समेत हूदैँन, केही शिप नलागी उसले अलैचिँको लाश बागमतिमा बगाइदिन्छ । उसको विवशता नबूझ्नेले उस्लाई पागल, अधर्मी भन्छन । उ आशूँका धारा बगाउछ र पश्चताप गर्दछ । दरबार बाट शुरु भएको कथा आयृघाटमा सकिन्छ

Monday, April 22, 2019

Checking Backlinks

to check for backlinks


You can check your competitors backlinks and make your website with same techniques of narrow or broad seo links.

A bad day

this is the worst day of my life :/

casper died, coco is missing , we have charlie but ekdamm ninyauro bhaera basexa

i heard them groaning, ani daudera mathi gaako, casper was already lying upside down with its last breathe, aankhaa ma halka aasu thyo, ghatinira blood thyo ani tyo tokeko mark....i was late by few seconds ....

vui ma baser herirakhe, k garne k I was dumb, I felt like the stupidest person in this whole earth, na knowledge xa vet sambandhi, raati ma kaha laijanu ....kei garna sakina herera basirakhe

paxi herna gako tyo maau ra dhadey arko gharko chhat ma thiye....maybe the mother tried to save them but couldnt fight...

momy lai bolae...thaha paunuvathena tala hununthyo...sweta aai ani paani khuwide aba marisakyo vannuvo ...ani it died pani ek dui thopa haldiye ............

kei garna man xaina


worlds best boyfriend

Story of Dhruv and Aranya, Dhruv troubled by their divorced parents at early age of 12 and aranya was fighting against the world cause of her innate patchy skin, kind of a curse to her, god forbid no one had it.
Dhruv was rating girls with number of beers it would take him to sleep with them.

mutual admiration is the first step towards a healthy relationship
aranya was sure that sooner a later he would mess with her starting with temple run score playing sidewise.

imperfections are born out of its quest to be perfect

Being caught sharing kisses in school, at the age of 12 they were made apart since it would bring disgrace to the name of the school.Ever since the game of hatred had begun,
and co incidentally they happened to be in the same college, DTU

well let me not tell you the whole story rather lets get to how i felt part

If I were a director in Bollywood then i'd take this Nobel for my next movie, starring sushant singh rajput as dhruv and raj kumar rao as sanchit . well havent thought about the actresses yet, whom would you pick? go read the Nobel first

Its a typical indian melodramatic nobel, Thats what I found . No Ive changed my mind, this wont be a movie , its going to be a soap operah :D well lets not make fun of it.

I enjoyed the Nobel specially the ending, 288 pages , with 88 pages of crap I mean If I had to suggest him, I had clearly asked him in face,
Dude cut the crap and put some real thrill .
Well they never ask me !!! :/

I wished the role of Sanchit to be more interesting as a funny supporting guy. There were times where he acted well with his humor and dialogues but I expected the character to grow more.

Death of dhruv's father was remorseful, But being realistic , the writers often kill the character to make it interesting maybe Dutta didn't do because of this But if he did, then he would have made the character to grow more, there's not enough about his father. We can bring tears to the eyes of readers when a character dies, that sort of writing is what I  was expecting. We know he had been a drunkard, a husband of a failed marriage, father of the protagonist and ......umm a government officer ...anything else?

And I dont like the character of raghuvir being so cheap, He had great achievements but yet he is shown to be chasing behind girls like a man with IQ less than average. Yes Even Einstein use to fuck his assistants but that does not mean that you can be fooled with a fake account for months, to a person who took part in the first fusion reaction of the world.

Funny thing is I tried playing candy crush upside down , but didn't bother to download temple run :D

Id rate it 6/10

oh its a fiction , anything can happen

Id have mistaken it for a self help book on relationship turned out to be a Nobel

kept staling glances at him
mouth went dry
holding the stare
mumbled softly
raise hands gingerly
hurled up
cracking knuckles
sink in something
into the scuffle
brooding eyes, mysterious aura
hypocritical and sexist
ice breaker
snuck out of lamelight


The Future SEO factor

Ever wondered how to gain a good seo rank without much trouble? Here are few factors that really makes the difference

Add back-link as much as you can

You should add internal links. While writing a blog provide links to older articles whenever the keywords appear in the post, this helps to reduce the bounce rate and lower the bounce rate higher will be your seo ranking

How many images should you use?

Use more images but make sure it does not increase the page loading time, we can use tools like lazy load and cdn for images. and don't forget to use copyright free images.

Should you add videos?

of course adding videos is good since it helps the users to spend more time on your site and reduces the bounce rate but the videos must be relevant.

Moreover google doesn't want users to post videos from other smaller media in comparison to
youtube, dailymotion, vimeo so I strongly recommend you to use videos from youtube just find some relevant content and add it.

CTR = click through  rate = click divided by viewed

few more tips here ;)

1. To make free designs for your site use this link:


2. Sign-up for Google analytics and do the job


3. Connect Google console with yoast seo


User Agent

whenever browser makes request to a server like google then along with requests it sends additional headers attached with it, so when we make request with bare code (like when using selenium) then such thing is not done so google knows that the request is from code or something like robot. so to prevent it we use a framework like fake_user and import class user_agent that helps in attaching headers


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Niranjan Adhikari is currently pursuing Computer Engineering in WRC IOE,Pokhara. Resident of Butwal,Niranjan's interests include Poetry, Design and Programming
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