Wednesday, May 30, 2018
jestha 2075, The first book of the month, I chose Malala ( Nepali transalation of "I am malala" by Achyut Koirala )
The book also covers threads of history on how india ended up dividing into India and Pakistan, communist war of russia with america and many more.
few things that I knew :
"taalib" means religious student and hence the name "taalibaan"
Muslims are divided into siya and sunni just because of controversy among them while deciding who is the one who leads their religion. This happened during 7th century.
sunni where those who followed abu bakra who was the consultant of Mohammad. and sunni means one who follows traditions of Mohammad.
siya where those led by ali , a relative of mohammad. this group was small. The word siya means a group of ali
80% of pakistani are sunni
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